moises bakery

Featured in Southern Living

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To the delight of customers, Moises Bakery goes beyond the expected Sweets and features some surprises. The cacitos (hand-rolled bread surrounding proteins like cheese, ham, and Turkey) are some of the most popular options and are baked throughout the day. From October through January, Moises makes pan de jamon, a traditional Christmas loaf specked with sweet ham or turkey, green olives, raisins, and bacon. European-style breads and desserts appear on the menu, but the specialty is Hispanic baked goods. Try a slice of chajé, a Uruguayan-style sponge cake with peaches and whipped cream, or grab a golfeado, a Venezuelan pastry that’s like a savory-sweet cinnamon roll, “Our inspiration comes from connecting our guests’ heritage to their home lands’ flavors,” says co-owner Liliana Gago. “It’s a way to express our gratitude for the opportunities we‘ve received.” With more than 30 years in business, they‘re obviously doing something right.

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